Sunday, December 27, 2020

Orchid #1


I love orchids.  However, I haven't been very successful growing them, unfortunately.  While I was drawing this beauty, I was thinking about how delicate orchids look, and how there are so many interesting varieties of them.  

I must confess that I have a dream that involves orchids.  I would love to have a greenhouse one day and grow orchids and other beautiful flowers.  I would have row upon row of Guy Wolff pots waiting on a sturdy wooden potting bench.  While I'm dreaming, I would love a dry sink and a pretty cafe set to enjoy coffee or tea amongst the plants. As the orchids begin to bud, I'd bring them in our home to enjoy.  

Just when I think I've found my favorite orchid, I see another variety and love that one, too.  I admit I tend to be drawn to the white ones, but I've seen some bright yellow ones with red stamen that I also love.

Do you cultivate orchids in your home?  How high is the learning curve?  We're never too old to learn, are we...

Until next time...

Ricki Jill

1 comment :

  1. Hello from Logan Martin Lake! I've had 3 orchids for a few years now. When I first received them I watched a few you tube videos and they've been doing fine. At the moment one is blooming and 2 have buds on them. I keep them near a window (mine don't get full sun) and water once a week. One funny thing is they have some air roots and sometimes it's hard to tell a root from a spike. But there are you tube videos about that too. I hope you give it a try!


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